In addition to the criticism of the player protection for insufficient consumer protection on the win2day platform, the player protection also demands that the staff unit for player protection be outsourced to an autonomous institution.
By the way, our portal has a separate page with the best online casinos for Austria.
Important Note
The COVID-19 pandemic turned out to be in favor of those responsible for the win2day platform. There has been a large increase in customers recently, especially during the first lockdown. Allegedly, at times there was even a 200 percent increase in customers, unlike other gaming providers who suffered massive losses during the Corona crisis. Win2day was very lucky in this regard.
Now, however, the tide seems to be turning a little and win2day is being heavily criticized by the gaming aid: The trend that is allowing more and more tipsters and gamblers to wander into the world of online gambling naturally brings new risks and challenges with it. People who are particularly at risk of gambling addiction are all the more in a risky position. And at this point it is actually the responsibility of the gaming operator to take preventive measures as best as possible.
Misleading advertising
An important part of “Responsible Gaming” also known as “Responsible Gaming” is promoting gambling. Responsible advertising of gambling should not involve misleading or undue emphasis on winnings.
Let’s take a closer look at the advertising on the win2day page. According to win2day, this is an important tool for communicating the importance of “responsible gaming” to customers. The player protection, however, sees it completely differently: It means that the advertisements rather lead to an increased incentive to play.
According to the law, the promotion of casino offers is allowed in Austria. Nevertheless, the Gambling Act also provides that the gambling provider must choose the advertising design of legal gambling to a responsible extent. This regulation is there to protect players, problem players and new customers. It is therefore important that gambling advertisements always convey that gambling can be potentially addictive.
The win2day advertising is currently particularly eye-catching for player protection. Not least because of its strong advertising presence on social media. Among other things, an advertisement by win2day is misleading because it advertises with free games, which, however, require a deposit of real money in order to receive the 1000 free games. Another example that falls into the category of “lack of player protection” is that win2day states in the small print of a promotion that win2day “does not conduct any correspondence” for this promotion.
Inadequate player protection
Win2day does have “Mentor”, a kind of protection software that was developed by the Austrian company Neccton and that automatically detects risky and problematic gaming patterns from customers and sends them warning messages. Austrian Lotteries also work with Necctor and have incorporated mentors into their functions.
In the case of win2day, however, Mentor only has an effect if the players have activated this function manually. This is another major shortcoming of win2day’s player protection, which again clearly shows that the provider places too little personal responsibility on the issue of player protection and too much responsibility in the hands of the players.
But it goes even further: win2day makes it possible to impose a self-lock and to define limits for the duration of the game and the stakes. However, these are not binding and therefore have little effect.
These are a few reasons why a warning is issued against the use of the win2day offer. The existing player protection measures are inadequate and offer insufficient protection for potential gambling addicts. Win2day is not aware of these factors and also advertises proactively on its website to take action against the risks associated with gambling. However, measures that require initiative on the part of the players are at a low moral level and do not have a sufficient sense of responsibility. That means the player help.
Ministry of Finance on the side of win2day
The Ministry of Finance does not yet share the opinion of the player protection and is of the opinion that the protective measures of win2day are even at a high level. Some voices are therefore of the opinion that the department for player protection should be outsourced from the Ministry of Finance. And in an autonomous facility.
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