The murder trial before the criminal court in Dublin, Ireland, has been going on since June 17th. The defendant Feri A. is accused of having physically abused the homeless and unemployed construction worker Ioan B. (49) so badly that he died as a result. The terrible act was already around three years ago.
Before the act, homeless man won 2,500 euros in the casino
In court, the victim was described as a “decent person” and a “good friend”. Marian D., a construction worker friend of the victim, testified as a witness. The witness had worked with victim Ion B. on several construction sites in Ireland in the past. The subsequent victim was always generous and shared with other people, even though he never had much himself. He also sent more money to Spain, where his little daughter lives.
Shortly before the crime, the victim found a 2 euro coin on the street, according to a testimony. Ion B. tried his luck in the casino – with success. In a casino on Eden Quay he made an impressive profit of 2,500 euros with the coin he found. Less than three days later, the homeless man was dead.
Victim was brutally beaten – was it robbery?
The seriously injured victim was found by witnesses in a green area in Tallaght near Dublin in the morning hours of April 13, 2018. Ion B. died one day later as a result of his massive injuries. A medical professional spoke of “extensive blunt violence and bruises on many parts of his body,” according to the Irish Times. In addition, the victim had internal injuries and his ribs were broken.
At the current time, it is questionable whether the act could be a robbery. It is still unclear whether the perpetrator beat up his victim to get the man’s casino win. So far, the defendant denies the allegations. The police in Dublin became aware of the man after several testimonies were presented and the recordings were evaluated by surveillance cameras.
After the great luck came the devastating tragedy. The homeless Ion B. led a primitive life on the streets of Dublin. After he had then completely surprisingly cleared 2,500 euros in the casino, his life finally seemed to change for the better. But just a few hours later, the man had to die. Now it is important to find out whether the short-term lucky guy really only had to die because of his casino win or whether there was another motive behind the brutal act.
Such people should go through the same thing that this one did to the other.
Sad company.
It’s unbelievable how depraved some people are